Articles tagged with lunch
Articles tagged with the tag you selected:
Soybeans - the world's healthiest food?
3rd April 2012
Professor Ian Rowland discusses whether the consumption of soy is a recipe for a long and healthy life.
Food for thought
14th February 2012
Dr Jeremy Spencer examines the role of flavonoid-rich foods which have been shown to promote a healthy heart and improve our mind and mood.
Eating Sustainably: dream or reality?
25th October 2011
Scientist Carol Wagstaff explores whether it's really possible to eat sustainably, or if it's simply an idealistic dream of a fairy-tale future.
What flavour is my lunchbox?
10th August 2011
Join Dr Jane Parker, food scientist, for a sensory overloaded lunch as she explains why there is much more to flavour than what taste-buds tell us.
Let's do lunch: your 21st century lunchbox
23rd February 2011
Suitable for young and old alike, it's a lunch break with a chemistry twist, hosted by food scientist Tom Coultate. We'll even provide the food!