Watch a panel of experts battle it out in a topical debate on whether we can meet emissions reductions without the use of nuclear power.
Thursday 7 July, 18.00 for 18:30-20:30
The Chemistry Centre, London W1J 0BA
New carbon targets requires reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by 50% for 2030. This house believes that it will be impossible to meet the emissions reductions required to fulfil these obligations without the use of nuclear power.
Taking the pro-nuclear viewpoint are George Monbiot, a freelance journalist, and Malcolm Grimston, a Senior Research Fellow from the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London.
Arguing against the motion are Doug Parr, Chief Scientist at Greenpeace, and Roger Levett, an independent energy consultant.
Presiding over the debate is Karl Rose, Director of Policies and Scenarios at the World Energy Council.